



Hello I have a password field in my application (UITextField). When user enters text in the field, I want it to display * instead of the text they entered.

I have tried using the UIControlEventEditingDidEnd of UITextField but it only shows one * at the end when editing but I want it to display the *s as soon as any text is entered, like in any online email password field. How can I get the desired behavior?

+8  A: 

I don't really understand your question, but I'm guessing you want a UITextField which displays dots for the characters, which every password field on the iPhone does. For this, you want to set the secureTextEntry property of that UITextField (UITextField has such a property because it conforms to the UITextInputTraits protocol) to YES:

textfield.secureTextEntry = YES;


+4  A: 

You can also set this in Interface Builder. Select your text field, and check the "secure" setting in the inspector.

Nathaniel Martin
Such a simple thing, yet not very obvious.