Is it possible to have a small UITable in a view, where when you click a cell, the small table is transitioned to the detail level? I currently have it so that the whole screen slides to the detail level.
Is it possible to have a small UITable in a view, where when you click a cell, the small table is transitioned to the detail level? I currently have it so that the whole screen slides to the detail level.
Instead of creating a UITableView/UITableViewController, create a UIView/UIViewController and drag-drop the UITableView to your UIView. Set the size and position of the tableview as you want and make the UIViewController the tableview's delegate and datasource.
What you have to do is create another view controller and lay it over the top.
to make a UITableView co-exist with a UINavigationController you have to create a transparent view to hold it. the view will be fullscreen so it does not resize the embedded UITable