@msaeed has the right answer, but it's worth taking a little more time on that code fragment, because it leaks memory.
The iPhone doesn't support garbage collection, so it's important to understand how Objective-C's semi-automatic memory management works. Apple has a good reference here, but the gist of it is that you are responsible for maintaining the "retain count" of your objects. When initializing an object with an -init
instance method (such as [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]
in your example, but also any other method starting with "init", like [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:42]
, the newly-initialized object has a retain count of 1. Subsequent calls to that instance's -retain
method increment the retain count, while calls to the instance's -release
method decrement the count. When the count reaches 0, the object is deallocated, and further attempts to send it messages will result in null pointer exceptions.
In the case of @msaeed's corrected code, here's what's happening, by line:
- A new instance of
is allocated; the -init
method is called, which initializes the instance and sets the retain count to 1. The positionIcons
pointer is then set to the address of this new instance.
- The
method is called on positionIcons
, and all is well (also, by convention adding an object to a collection like NSMutableArray
increments that object's retain count, the idea being that the collection now has, in some sense, "ownership" of that object, and doesn't want it to be deallocated from underneath it).
- A new instance of
is allocated, and the positionIcons
pointer is then set to the address of that new instance. Because the retain count of the NSMutableArray
from line one is still 1, it will not be deallocated, and since you've lost your reference to it, you can never call -release
on it to clear it out of memory. There's your leak.
By convention, there's a difference in how you manage objects that are initialized with -init
instance methods versus class methods like +arrayWithObjects:
(in the first case, you have to release the object yourself, but in the second case, the object has already been sent an -autorelease
message and will be deallocated on the next pass through the program's runloop unless you call -retain
on it.