




Language - Objective-C

I'm using the SoundEffect class to play a short sound. I'm using an NSTimer to call a this method:

- (void)count {

if (count == 16) {
 NSBundle *mainBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
 SoundEffect *soundEffect = [[SoundEffect alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[mainBundle pathForResource:@"beep" ofType:@"aif"]];
 [soundEffect play];
 count = 0;
seconds = seconds - 0.0625; // is equal to 1/16th of a second; effectively takes off one second per second
if (seconds == 0) {
 [timer invalidate]; // cancels timer
 [timer release];

[self convertSeconds];


(The count thing is just so the sound plays at a certain interval.)

Anyway, everything works fine, but I think it's inefficient to keep allocating and initializing the SoundEffect class every time my timer fires (which is quite often). Is there a way in which I can aloc and init when I press a button to start the timer, and leave it allocated and initialized so all I have to do is [soundEffect play]?



Using static variable

You can use a static variable within the method like

- (void)count {
    static SoundEffect *soundEffect =
        [[SoundEffect alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:
            [mainBundle pathForResource:@"beep" ofType:@"aif"]];

Here soundEffect would be initialized only once at the first invocation of count and will remain so until the end of execution.

Deprecated: Using Singletons

EDIT: Removed singleton section. I don't think it's relevant to the question.

Or he could just make soundEffect an instance variable in the class that holds the count method.
Terry Wilcox
@Terry: +1 Instance variables are better than singletons in my opinion.
@Terry, I will try that out, thanks everyone!
+4  A: 

Maybe this link will help: Creating a Singleton Instance

+3  A: 

You can make a pointer to the SoundEffect class a member of your own class.


You could initialize it in your appDelegate, and access it through there at any given time. Remember to dealloc it too.

Another solution could be to make a singleton of it

Phillip Jacobs

If it's a sound that you'll only be using inside the count method, you can use a static variable to do the trick (note that this is technically a memory leak, since the object is never released)

- (void)count {

if (count == 16) {
        NSBundle *mainBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
        static SoundEffect * soundEffect = nil;
        if (soundEffect == nil)
           soundEffect = [[SoundEffect alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[mainBundle pathForResource:@"beep" ofType:@"aif"]];
        [soundEffect play];
        count = 0;
seconds = seconds - 0.0625; // is equal to 1/16th of a second; effectively takes off one second per second
if (seconds == 0) {
        [timer invalidate]; // cancels timer
        [timer release];

[self convertSeconds];

This will only allocate the object once.
