



I have a CATiledLayer backed UIView that is added to UIScrollView and it is returned as view to be scaled in response to -(UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView delegate method.

Now the problem is that scaling on a scale falling between the 2x steps provided by CATiledLayer (like for example 1.333) results in very pixelated image when I compile and test against 3.0 SDK. In 2.2.1 the scaling is much smoother.

I tried to set layer's minificationFilter to kCAFilterTrilinear, but that resulted in a way too blurry image.

Any ideas?

+1  A: 

After some playing, I discovered that only the 2.x Simulator smoothens the scaled image. On the real device with 2.x SDK, the scaling is the same as on 3.0.

They tell you this on one of the first pages of their dev documentation. Common sense as well.
The only source of confusion is that only 3.0 correctly simulates the device behavior, while 2.x uses obviously some other algorithm... Where exactly in the docs did you find a pointer to this?