Regarding a UITableView in EDIT mode:
I'd like to intercept touches or clicks on the green or red UITableViewCellEditingStyle icons that display when editing a UITableView.
I'd also like to manually mark a specific row for deletion the way that clicking on the red icon automatically does.
IE: if a particular row is associated with a red (DELETE) icon, in my app, clicking the row or clicking the red icon should perform the same behavior - mark or unmark it for deletion. Likewise, if a particular row is associated with a green (INSERT) icon, I want clicking the row or clicking the green icon to perform the same behavior. Obviously, the green icon doesn't mark a row for insertion but Apple "Contacts" catches that touch and drills down into a child controller -- which would be just fine.
Clicking a row triggers
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
but what does clicking the UITableViewCellEditingStyle icon trigger?
And ... is there a way to programmatically mark a row for deletion (cause the big red DELETE image to appear in the same manner that clicking the red DELETE icon does).