It looks like you either misspelled the method name, or (more likely), the object isn't actually an NSMutableArray
Here's one way to check the type. This will only work in the simulator, but it could be helpful in solving your problem:
#import <objc/runtime.h>
// Later, when you've got the object x that you want to be an NSMutableArray:
NSLog("The type of x is %s", class_getName([x class]));
Check the debug output of your app when it gets to that line (shortcut: command-shift-R in xcode).
Also, I'm sure you already know this, but method names in objective-C are case sensitive, and technically include the colon at the end when there are arguments. So a valid call would look like this:
id gottenObject = [x objectAtIndex:0];
Sorry if that seems unnecessary to mention, but I thought I'd be more comprehensive in my answer, just in case you used a capital O by mistake or something.