




Apple pulled the plug to the sample. It is no longer distributed... Anyone got a link to a copy of the sample?

+1  A: 

What you're asking for is for someone to provide a link to copyrighted material that has been removed, and which could only be accessed after agreeing to a license forbidding redistribution.

So, er, anyone answering exactly as you request would be breaking the law...?

But the information you might ultimately be after, about how to write an OpenGL game for the iPhone, you might find here.

Conspicuous Compiler
I found it modestly odd that this received two downvotes out of nowhere months and months after I originally posted it. I take it some copyleft zealots stopped by and decided to make a point by smearing some paint anonymously? -- Know well, copyleft only has force because copyright gives creators the right to control distribution of their creation. All creative work requires a certain respect between consumers and producers. -- Anonymous downvotes lacking comments aren't an especially respecful exchange...
Conspicuous Compiler

Some of the code can be found here. Specifically the Texture2D class. http://code.google.com/p/cocos2d-iphone/source/browse/branches/branch-0.1/OpenGLSupport/