Your question isn't that clear. In general you can set the title of the current view to be any NSString object, so
self.title = string;
However what I'm guessing your asking is whether you can set the tile of a view which is created and brought into view when you click on a UITableViewCell. If so the answer is yes you can. You can do this in the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method of your view controller when you create the new view.
You need to pass either the indexPath variable or the text label from the cell cell.textLabel.text into a custom init method. So if you had a view controller called nextController for instance you'd do something like,
NextController *next = [[NextController alloc] initWithIndexPath: indexPath];
[appDelegate.navController pushViewController:next animated: YES];
[next release];
inside the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method of your main controller. Then in your NextController class you'd override the init method along the these lines,
-(id)initWithIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
if ( self == [super init] ) {
indexVariable = indexPath;
return self;
after declaring the indexVariable in you @interface. The all you need to do is set the title of your new view form the viewDidLoad: method of your new controller, either grabbing the cell's label using the NSIndexPath or directly if you passed the label instead.