Hello, i try to make a solution with MonoDevelop, but i have some problems. I try to compile empty project, but there the builder shows:
Building: tusciasProjektas (Debug|iPhone)
Building Solution tusciasProjektas
Building: tusciasProjektas (Debug|iPhone)
Performing main compilation...
Updating CodeBehind files
Updated 1 CodeBehind files
The reference 'System' is not valid for the target framework of the project.
The reference 'System.Xml' is not valid for the target framework of the project.
The reference 'System.Core' is not valid for the target framework of the project.
Assembly 'monotouch' not found. Make sure that the assembly exists in disk. If the reference is required to build the project you may get compilation errors.
Build failed. Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: path1
My computer is standart, with Intel CPU (not mac), it has Leopard X installed. I also installed framework for this and MonoDevelop. Maybe it's problem that i don't have installed MonoTouchSDK(it's require som user and password, and I can't download it from: http://www.go-mono.com/monotouch-download/monotouch-0.9-20090818-0.pkg ). Is anybody working on that and can help me with this?