My application on iphone quit with following console message when we try to play the animation with 100 images again and again.
Program received signal: “0”. warning: check_safe_call: could not restore current frame
So i want to know how can i remove this crash. Am I doing anything wrong using animation? Code follows:
catAnimationImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"SZ_Interior_Idle3_0.png"];
NSMutableArray *arr = [ [NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:114];
for(int iLoop = 0; iLoop < 114; iLoop++)
[arr addObject:[UIImage imageNamed:[ NSString stringWithFormat:@"SZ_Interior_Idle3_%d.png",iLoop]]];
catAnimationImageView.animationImages = arr;
catAnimationImageView.animationDuration = 10;
catAnimationImageView.animationRepeatCount = 1;
catAnimationImageView.alpha = 1;
[[delegate getMidGroundView] addSubview:catAnimationImageView];
[arr release];
[catAnimationImageView startAnimating];