Here's a script where lots of people say it's good:
But I can't get it to work. What are the steps I have to do with the Xcode script editor, to run that script?
I have pasted it in "Script", that Script Editor app from Mac OSx and saved it as clang.scpt.
Then, I went to Xcode and opened the Script Editor, created a new script with this settings:
Input = Selection (??) Directory = Selection (??)
Script Code:
/Applications/Clang\ Static\ Analyzer/clang.scpt
Must it look like this?? My script is my Applications directory, and there, in a subdir called "Clang Static Analyzer". I just dropped clang.scpt on terminal to get the path.
Output = Insert after Selection (??)
Errors = Merge with script output (??)
Then, when I execute that script, this happens:
/var/folders/QD/QDPLhhOJyvoyecmZQk+++TI/-Tmp-/965ABD-3FF7-46A3-8131-AA9CD1553D26-92280-0401D25AC142AE31: line 2: /Applications/Clang Static Analyzer/clang.scpt: Permission denied
Any idea?