I have to appear for iPhone Application Developer.. So, for that i need some links that shows me some overview of interview questions regarding Objective-C or cocoa framework...
If you have any links then please provide me.
I have to appear for iPhone Application Developer.. So, for that i need some links that shows me some overview of interview questions regarding Objective-C or cocoa framework...
If you have any links then please provide me.
Maybe it's just me, but I have seen way too many of these types of questions in the past and they seem to be popping up on SO and other forums I visit with increased frequency. Don't get me wrong, it is good that you want to be prepared for the interview but these types of questions always seem to me like cramming at the last minute for a test - just barely hoping to retain just enough information to make it through the test. It just seems like cutting corners to me.
If you are applying for a position, I would hope you already possess a basic idea of what you applied for - the fundamentals of a particular language, the methodology of programming standards, etc. An interview works both ways, you should be trying to figure out if you really want to work for the company at the same time they are trying to figure out if they really want to hire you. Expect tough questions and relate them to what you can show you have already done. A good company will want to see your thought process. Talk through your answer and show that you are not regurgitating something you just picked up off a forum. Show you really know what you are talking about.
An interview session I conducted earlier this summer produced a number of potential candidates. One of them still stands out in my mind. He had 8 years of progressive experience and on paper seemed almost over qualified for the job. When our panel started asking questions, though, he seemed to talk around the subjects. He made it to the 2nd round of interviews only I had gone out and looked for some boilerplate interview questions on some websites and picked 2 that we built into the 2nd round of questions. When this individual was asked the two questions, his answers came back word for word the way the answers appeared on the websites. When I asked him to elborate more, he fumbled some vague methodology ideas.
In other words, just brush up on what you already should know and be able to explain yourself.
Questions you post on StackOverflow can be a great way to show how long you have been working with a technology, how well you understand and can explain the issues, and how resourceful you are.
For example, it doesn't matter how many questions you ask, but how you ask them. If you ask:
"Hi. I need to write app that can duplicate xxx. Please send code" Then nevermind.
"I am trying to catch two or more fingered taps via touchesBegan and I see those rarely, even though I am checking tapCount... Here is some source I have been working on... The simulator seems to work fine, but the device is unreliable..."
There you are showing that you have some expertise with event handling, you can explain yourself, which is important if you are working with a team where communication is probably as important as expertise, and you don't expect free handouts - which teammates hate since your addition to the team is supposed to make the workload less for all, rather than for them to have to do your work too, while you expect credit for it.
In my next candidate interview, I am going to ask them for their StackOverflow user name.