



I'm using Core Data to locally persist results from a Web Services call. The web service returns the full object model for, let's say, "Cars" - could be about 2000 of them (and I can't make the Web Service return anything less than 1 or ALL cars.

The next time I open my application, I want to refresh the Core Data persisted copy by calling the Web Service for all Cars again, however to prevent duplicates I would need to purge all data in the local cache first.

Is there a quicker way to purge ALL instances of a specific entity in the managed object context (e.g. all entities of type "CAR"), or do I need to query them call, then iterate through the results to delete each, then save?

Ideally I could just say delete all where entity is Blah.

thanks, Adam


Why not fold in the data that you receive with the existing cache? Otherwise it's not really 'refreshing', it's 'starting again' and you might as well drop/delete the SQLLite file and start again (assuming you're not persisting other data as well).

+18  A: 

Fetch 'em all and delete 'em all:

NSFetchRequest * allCars = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
[allCars setEntity:[NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Car" inManagedObjectContext:myContext]];
[allCars setIncludesPropertyValues:NO]; //only fetch the managedObjectID

NSError * error = nil;
NSArray * cars = [myContext executeFetchRequest:allCars error:&error];
[allCars release];
//error handling goes here
for (NSManagedObject * car in cars) {
  [myContext deleteObject:car];
Dave DeLong
I would also configure the fetch to only retrieve the NSManagedObjectID to reduce any overhead from loading in the full object structure.
Marcus S. Zarra
@Marcus +1 excellent suggestion!
Dave DeLong
It's not obvious how to only fetch the NSMangagedObjectID.. use [allCars setIncludesPropertyValues:NO]; (and don't bother hunting around for how to make an NSPropertyDescription for the object ID!)
@Garry whoops, thanks for catching that! Edited the answer.
Dave DeLong
@Marcus please show the code for your suggestion. Thank you.
Is there a faster way to do this with one command? Like in SQL you could do something like, DROP TABLE entity_name. But, I don't want to delete the whole SQL file because I only want to delete all objects of a specific entity, not other entities.
@Matt no, because you're not dealing with a database. You're dealing with a graph of objects, and if you want to destroy all the objects, you have to destroy them all individually.
Dave DeLong
@Matt it would be easiest if Dave updated his answer with that addition. Code does not show up well in comments.
Marcus S. Zarra
@Matt @Marcus edited answer.
Dave DeLong
@Marcus @Dave Thanks!