



I am currently dealing with java spring framework and i have two good books to start but i dont know which one to go first? I have beginner knowladge about spring by the way.

  1. Spring in Action
  2. Spring Recipies
+3  A: 

I would vote for Spring In Action - I found it to be a good reference.

Although I'd also like to say it read like it was just a glorified re-explanation (perhaps in simpler terms for some readers, in certain areas) of the Spring 2.5 Reference Manual. I find myself going back to the Reference Manual when I have questions more often than I do the SiA book.

matt b
+3  A: 
That's pretty old in Spring development time. We're up to version 3.0 now.
+1  A: 

First get yourself started with Spring in Action

next, follow Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

Spring reference manual is also a must have, i always download a pdf from the docs site for quick reference


I never had access to "Spring Recipes".

I have "Spring in Action", I read it with great pleasure, and it was very insightful for me.
Given that introduction, I jumped into details and code using the "Reference Manual" and the code.

+1  A: 

"Spring Recipes" is very good, but it's aimed at folks who already know Spring and want to solve specific problems.

I think "Spring in Action" or "Pro Spring" are better overviews for a first time user.

Both assume good knowledge of Java and understanding of how to develop web apps using JDBC, JSPs with JSTL, and servlets. We'll assume you're well versed with those.
