I am trying to import a set of data into a CoreData persistentStore. This is read-only data that will be presented to the user at run-time.
I have an entity called "Category" that has a one-to-many relationship with an entity called "Item", which in turn has an inverse relationship to a Category.
As I add Items to the context, how do I associate them with the correct Category? I can see in the SQLite dB that it is done by adding a Category field to the Item table, and probably uses the Categories primary key for the relationship. But the PK is behind-the-scenes... is there a method for making the connection?
I also see in my Category class that there are methods generated by CoreData for adding Items, but I am assuming that these are alos behind-the-scene methods that allow CoreData to maintain the relationships:
@interface Category (CoreDataGeneratedAccessors)
- (void)addItemObject:(Item *)value;
- (void)removeItemObject:(Item *)value;
- (void)addItems:(NSSet *)value;
- (void)removeItems:(NSSet *)value;
I read in the programing guide that CoreData takes care of the other side of the relationship automatically, but I can't figure out how do do the initial link to a Category as I add Items.