What are the pros / cons in DTD and XML Schemas (I'm not even sure what the official name of the latter is!)? Which is better? Why do we need two ways to do the same thing? Seems dumb, IMHO. :)
Thanks, LES
Edit: I found this in an article I was reading, which is what prompted me to ask the question:
Why W3C XML Schema Language?
The W3C XML Schema Language is not the only schema language. In fact, the XML specification describes document-type definitions (DTDs) as the way to express a schema. In addition, pre-release versions of the JAXB Reference Implementation worked only with DTDs -- that is, not with schemas written in the XML Schema Language. However, the XML Schema Language is much richer than DTDs. For example, schemas written in the XML Schema Language can describe structural relationships and data types that can't be expressed (or can't easily be expressed) in DTDs. There are tools available to convert DTDs to the W3C XML Schema Language, so if you have DTD-based schemas that you used with an earlier version of the JAXB Reference Implementation, you can use these tools to convert the schemas to XML Schema Language. http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/WebServices/jaxb/#binsch
I guess I would like examples that illustrate why XML-Schema is better (if it indeed is).
Thanks again, LEW