Hi there, I'm trying to customize the UIImagePickerController for iPhone right now. I could modify the default buttons (take and cancel) as well as add more buttons. But I have trouble when attempting to make the customized button look-and-feel like the default iPhone's ones. At first I think that it'd be possible if I get and then clone the default button as a template for mine by the following code
UIButton *cancelButton = [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[self.view subviews] objectAtIndex:0]
subviews] objectAtIndex:0]
subviews] objectAtIndex:0]
subviews] objectAtIndex:0]
subviews] objectAtIndex:2]
subviews] objectAtIndex:0]
subviews] objectAtIndex:1]
subviews] objectAtIndex:1];
UIButton *anotherButton = [cancelButton copy];
But it didnt work due to the fact I have just known lately that NSObject and its subclasses dont implement the protocol NSCopying by default.
I wonder is there any way to either - copy an UI element and then modify it as my will - create a custom button with the look of Apple's ones