Hello, In my iPhone application I have multiple class files, I have my main application's class files, then I have my UIView class files. I have a simple -(void) method declared in my UIView class files, how can I access it from my main applications class files?
A bit more detail: In my application a video is played, when this video finishes playing a notification is sent and actions are preformed, which I have already successfully set up, however when the movie finishes I would like a method declared in another class file to be preformed. If the method was declared in the same class file I would simply use this code: [self mySimpleVoidMethod]; But obviously this doesn't work If the method is declared in a different class file. I believe it is possible to access a method declared in a different class file, but I just haven't got a clue about how to do it. Sorry if I'm using completely incorrect terms to name things. But I am relatively new to programming all together.