Hi guys, I am a little bit confused on something, see I am doing an Ajax request via Jquery, I send back encoded data in an xml document ( using htmlentities to prevent XSS ) but the thing is when I parse the XML and get the data it seems Jquery automatically decodes the htmlentities and I end up with vulnerable data.
Do you have any idea how to prevent Jquery from decoding the encoded data, or I am missing an option in the ajax request.
Any help is very appreciated as I am stuck at this point.
here is my current ajax options :
url: 'ajax_handle.php',
data: {pg: cpage, rid: rid},
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
$( button ).val( 'Error' );
success: function(xmldata){ /* Parsing here */ }
Somehow When I use Jquery find() and get the text, all the data that has been encoded with htmlentities gets decoded.
Example :
Data : <c><cu>Test</cu><cb> htmlentitiesgez564<script></cb></c>
Parsed data :
cu : Test
cb : htmlentitiesgez564<script>;
You can see how dangerous that can be, any idea how to fix this ?