



From what I understand, calling

NSLog(@"Local Time Zone %@",[[NSTimeZone localTimeZone] name]);

gives you the local time zone of the device. What it's giving me is "US/Central", and I can't find that anywhere in the list of abbreviations in [NSTimeZone abbreviationDictionary], or the list of time zone names in [NSTimeZone knownTimeZoneNames]. Where is this one coming from? I need to pass the current device time zone to a Rails app, and it understands things like "Australia/Sydney" or "America/Chicago", but not "US/Central".

How do I take what localTimeZone is giving me and convert it to a string that Rails can understand (i.e. any time zone in knownTimeZoneNames, which is supposed to be all time zone names that the system knows about?)


Are you getting that from within the simulator? If so what does this command returns for if you run it from a terminal?
$ systemsetup -gettimezone

The timezone setting GUI in Mac OS 10.5 would set timezones to US/*. If you manually set it from the console you can set it to one of the expected timezones.

Run this to get a list of the valid, and notice that US/Central isn't among them.
$ systemsetup -listtimezones

Run this to set it to America/Chicago
$ systemsetup -settimezone America/Chicago

I get US/Central from within the Simulator and when debugging on the device. When I run $ systemsetup -gettimezone, I get Time Zone: US/CentralIf I change the time zone at the command line, does that affect the time zone on the iPhone? Where is the US/Central coming from, if it isn't a valid time zone?
+1  A: 

You're likely using ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone without having required the tzinfo gem:

$ irb -rrubygems -ractivesupport -rtzinfo
>> Time.send(:get_zone, "US/Central").now
=> Tue, 17 Nov 2009 04:27:23 CST -06:00

If you don't require tzinfo, you'll only get a subset of timezones which is fairly useless.

EDIT: Just to avoid confusion, the reason I used the private Time#get_zone API is because that's what's being used behind the scenes when you call Time#zone=. If you don't require tzinfo, calling Time.send(:get_zone, "US/Central") returns nil.

Nathan de Vries
Thanks, Nick. Apparently I was just trying to solve the problem in the wrong place. Awesome.