When I create a document using the minidom, attributes get sorted alphabetically in the element. Take this example from here:
from xml.dom import minidom
# New document
xml = minidom.Document()
# Creates user element
userElem = xml.createElement("user")
# Set attributes to user element
userElem.setAttribute("name", "Sergio Oliveira")
userElem.setAttribute("nickname", "seocam")
userElem.setAttribute("email", "seocam@taboca.com")
# Append user element in xml document
# Print the xml code
print xml.toprettyxml()
The result is this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<user email="seocam@taboca.com" name="Sergio Oliveira" nickname="seocam" photo="seocam.png"/>
Which is all very well if you wanted the attributes in email/name/nickname/photo order instead of name/nickname/email/photo order as they were created.
How do you get the attributes to show up in the order you created them? Or, how do you control the order at all?