



Hello ,I am new in iphone application and mac. I have to write an application in which i have ta call server webservice and for that I have used soapenvelope. But there is so much data and around 100 images. so, my application is going to slow down. Can anybody help me that how can i use Asynchronus Request or any other way to faster the performance?? Thnaks in advance..

+1  A: 

Asynchronous requests won't speed up the thing, but it will allow your app to respond while the data is loading. You can find many tutorials on this all over the internet and SO.

I would suggest you find a way to not have to download 100 images all the time. Perhaps cache them, so you only have to download them once. Or you could bundle images in your app.

Also, check out ASIHTTPRequest, which is what many people use for large downloads (anyone else love the McSweeney's app? because I do).

Kenny Winker