I'm having a hard time finding a good, basic example of how to parse XML in python using Element Tree. From what I can find, this appears to be the easiest library to use for parsing XML. Here is a sample of the XML I'm working with:
<timeSeries name="NWIS Time Series Instantaneous Values">
<values count="2876">
<value dateTime="2009-09-24T15:30:00.000-04:00" qualifiers="P">550</value>
<value dateTime="2009-09-24T16:00:00.000-04:00" qualifiers="P">419</value>
<value dateTime="2009-09-24T16:30:00.000-04:00" qualifiers="P">370</value>
I am able to do what I need, using a hard-coded method. But I need my code to be a bit more dynamic. Here is what worked:
tree = ET.parse(sample.xml)
doc = tree.getroot()
timeseries = doc[1]
values = timeseries[2]
print child.attrib['dateTime'], child.text
#prints 2009-09-24T15:30:00.000-04:00, 550
Here are a couple of things I've tried, none of them worked, reporting that they couldn't find timeSeries (or anything else I tried):
tree = ET.parse(sample.xml)
tree = ET.parse(sample.xml)
doc = tree.getroot()
Basically, I want to load the xml file, search for the timeSeries tag, and iterate through the value tags, returning the dateTime and the value of the tag itself; everything I'm doing in the above example, but not hard coding the sections of xml I'm interested in. Can anyone point me to some examples, or give me some suggestions on how to work through this? Thanks for your help
UPDATE (11/24/09): Thanks for all the help. Using both of the below suggestions worked on the sample file I provided, however, they didn't work on the full file. Here is the error I get from the real file when I use Ed Carrel's method:
(<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>, AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'attrib'",), <traceback object at 0x011EFB70>)
I figured there was something in the real file it didn't like, so I incremently removed things until it worked. Here are the lines that I changed:
originally: <timeSeriesResponse xsi:schemaLocation="a URL I removed" xmlns="a URL I removed" xmlns:xsi="a URL I removed">
changed to: <timeSeriesResponse>
originally: <sourceInfo xsi:type="SiteInfoType">
changed to: <sourceInfo>
originally: <geogLocation xsi:type="LatLonPointType" srs="EPSG:4326">
changed to: <geogLocation>
Removing the attributes that have 'xsi:...' fixed the problem. Is the 'xsi:...' not valid XML? It will be hard for me to remove these programmatically. Any suggested work arounds?
Here is the full XML file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lofcpt
Thanks again