Inside of a UIViewController, I am executing the following:
TVController* stopTimes = [ [ TVController alloc ] initWithStyle: UITableViewStyleGrouped ];
stopTimes.tableView.frame = CGRectMake( 0, 180, 320, 280 );
stopTimes.tableView.backgroundColor = [ UIColor whiteColor ];
stopTimes.theID = stopID;
[ self.view addSubview: stopTimes.tableView ];
where TVController is a UITableViewController.
Inside the TVController class, I have an NSString property called theID which has been synthesized. I get no errors when doing 'stopTimes.theID = stopID' above, and the TableView appears as expected.
In 'viewDidLoad' of this TVController class, I am simply attempting to NSLog 'theID' to show that it worked, but it is (null) no matter what I do.
However, I tried setting a cell's text to 'theID' and it worked just fine.
So why is 'theID' set properly when setting up a cell, but not in viewDidLoad?