



I feel a little dumbfounded. I know how to store any kind of "plist supporting" data in a preferences file, such as NSArray, NSDictionary, NSString and their CF counterparts. No problem there.

Now I like to store the values of my custom object this way. I had thought that if I implement some kind of serialization/archiving protocol, I could get NSUserDefaults to understand my class just like it understand NSDictionary.

E.g, implementing the NSCoding protocol should give the NSUserDefaults code all that it needs: I give it the key names along with the values as plist compatible types (NSString, mostly in my case). But my encoder doesn't even get invoked. :(

Then I thought that there must be at least some function that generates a NSDictionary from the NSCoding protocol, so that I can then send this dict to store in the prefs. Ideally, there'd by something like the NSKeyedArchiver that I pass any NSCoding compatible object and it gives me a NSDictionary, and vice versa. But that doesn't appeat to exist in Apple's framework.

Do I have to write that really myself? I'd expect this would be a quite common need.

Note: I realize that NSKeyedArchiver generates a binary plist, which I could write as a plist file. But that's not what I want. I want to add the contents of this object to my app's prefs plist file, i.e. I want to store both my object and other prefs data in the plist file. That's what doesn't seem to be possible with the given functions.


I'm currently just adding objects to an NSDictionary then calling NSDictionary's "writeToFile:atomically:" method. I'm mostly adding strings, and an image as NSData, but I believe anything I add to the NSDictionary that implements the NSCoding protocol should get written to the file.

Then later when I call NSDictionary's initWithContentsOfFile everything gets put back in the dictionary as it had been. Would this work for you - letting the dictionary take care of the serialization stuff?

No, this does not solve it - I know I can write a Dictionary with CFPropertyList conforming contents.However, I want to add a NSCoding-conforming Dictionary to my default Preferences file.I want an Archiver converts an arbitrary Object<NSCoding> into a Dictionary holding only types of CFPropertyList, so that I can then store this in my Prefs.I realize that I can write such a Archiver on my own, I just thought this should exist already, and I've just not found it.
Thomas Tempelmann