



I'd like to utilize UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp more often in my applications however it has a very annoying trait... namely that the first 20% to 35% of it is non-action... I know this is the case because I set an animation duration to 20 seconds to confirm my suspicions that the culprit wasn't simply setup time internal to [UIView], but rather the animation itself... and sure enough the first 6 seconds or so were consumed by the phone doing nothing at all.

The reason this is a problem is that I would like to highlight the leet look of the page curling up by setting the duration to say 4 or 5 seconds instead of having it fly by too rapidly for decent recognition when the duration is set to 1 second... however if I use 5 seconds it has probably 1.5 to 2 seconds of deadspace where nothing happens.

but the problem isn't merely that... suppose that the curl is triggered when the user presses a button... the fact that the curl immediately overrides any screen rendering prevents the button's coloured highlight state from displaying... the resulting 2 seconds of frozen screenstate make the user liable to press the button again thinking his first press wasn't intercepted, an action which can sometimes end up getting queued for after the curl is done, and then end up being executed on whatever action page I have underneath the curled page! which is like a user flying blind... which is a bit dysfunctional hehe

so yeah I dunno how to solve this... I have heard it is possible to compose ones own animations by delving into the CA library, something I will certainly be doing at some point just due to a lifelong interest in rolling my own animations... but at the moment where free time is very short I'm wondering of other possible solutions... if there aren't any I will just settle for a median duration of 1.500 seconds and force myself to be happy with that :)

it just occurred to me to look into the SDK for some sort of [UIView SetAnimationStartPoint] type function... I hope such a function exists... if not I can only rely on advice from y'all to save me :p

any help will be appreciated!