



I am in a situation where I need to send authentication (basic HTTP Authentication) to a server but the server does not send me a challenge first. This has been tracked down to be a duplicate of the wget switch --auth-no-challenge. My problem is, I do not see any way to get NSURL to do this.

I have implemented basic authentication in my NSURLConnection delegate but the -connection: didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge: method is not getting called.

Is there any way to force this call or to embed the authentication information for this strange situation?


Do u have an authentication set up on the server side to access any portal??

+2  A: 

I believe you can add the username and password to the NSURL


NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://username:[email protected]/"];
+6  A: 

You can add the authorization information to the request manually by adding it to the request header like so:

NSString *authString = [[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@",user, password] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] base64Encoding];        
[request setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Basic %@", authString] forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"];

Where request is your NSMutableURLRequest and user/password are your respective username and password NSString's

I've been using this approach with an API from the iphone where the extra challenge is not being initiated by the server.

I get an error, when I want to use your solution: NSData does not respond to base64Encoding". Have you added this method yourself?
Tim Büthe
Found NSDataAdditions, including base64Encoding in this answer:
Tim Büthe
Hi Tim, Yes I have been using NSDataAdditions from the colloquy project