I have error "Cocoa error 256" when I try to save data. How to fix it? And what problem?
According to the help reference in Xcode:
NSFileReadUnknownError Read error, reason unknown
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in FoundationErrors.h.
Sadly, that's probably not too helpful, though it is an unknown -read- error.
2009-12-16 15:50:09
Is it possible that the location of the sqlite file has changed or the file has been damamged somehow? </speculation>
2009-12-16 19:10:10
If its a core data error there is probably an actual error object somewhere near where the error occurs. If you dump the error objects userInfo dictionary, you can usually get a lot more detail than just the error code itself.
2009-12-16 19:11:15