what is the syntax to use an object (NSString) that declared in another class?
object workId
in class works
, i want to use it's value in class jobs
what is the syntax to use an object (NSString) that declared in another class?
object workId
in class works
, i want to use it's value in class jobs
if you declared workId as a property and synthesized it, you should be able to access it using works.workId or [works workId]
Go here: http://www.cocoadevcentral.com/d/learn%5Fobjectivec/
And scroll down to the "Properties" section.
If you'd like to hold a pointer to the same object you can declare a second property in the Jobs class using 'assign' or 'retain', if you'd just like a copy you could declare the property using 'copy'.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* theString;
If Jobs has a pointer to Works like so:
@interface Jobs
Works* works;
@property (nonatomic, retain) Works* works;
You could just use self.works.workId to access the work id from within an instance of the Jobs class.
Could you let us know a little more about your particular use case, it would help to determine what you should be doing.
in Person.h:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Person : NSObject {
NSString * name;
in Person.m:
@implementation Person
- (NSString*) name {
return name;
- (void)setName:(NSString *)aName {
[name autorelease];
name = [aName copy];