



hi, i am writing an application that receives data with items and version numbers. The numbers are formatted like 1.0.1 or 1.2.5. How can i compare these version numbers. I think they have to be formatted as a string first, no? If so, what option do i have to having objective C understand the 1.2.5 is newer than 1.0.1?


This question, while not identical to yours, offers insights on how you could accomplish what you're asking.

Ben Gottlieb
thanks...i think this will be perfect

If you know each version number will have exactly 3 integers separated by dots, you can parse them (e.g. using sscanf(3)) and compare them:

const char *version1str = "1.0.1";
const char *version2str = "1.2.5";
int major1, minor1, patch1;
int major2, minor2, patch2;
if(sscanf(version1str, "%d.%d.%d", &major1, &minor1, &patch1) == 3 &&
   sscanf(version2str, "%d.%d.%d", &major2, &minor2, &patch2) == 3)
    // Parsing succeeded, now compare the integers
    if(major1 > major2 ||
      (major1 == major2 && (minor1 > minor2 ||
                           (minor1 == minor2 && patch1 > patch2))))
        // version1 > version2
    else if(major1 == major2 && minor1 == minor2 && patch1 == patch2)
        // version1 == version2
        // version2 < version2
    // Handle error, parsing failed
Adam Rosenfield

Glibc has a function strverscmp and versionsort… unfortunately, not portable to the iPhone, but you can write your own fairly easily. This (untested) re-implementation comes from just reading the documented behavior, and not from reading Glibc's source code.

int strverscmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
    const char *b1 = s1, *b2 = s2, *e1, *e2;
    long n1, n2;
    size_t z1, z2;
    while (*b1 && *b1 == *b2) b1++, b2++;
    if (!*b1 && !*b2) return 0;
    e1 = b1, e2 = b2;
    while (b1 > s1 && isdigit(b1[-1])) b1--;
    while (b2 > s2 && isdigit(b2[-1])) b2--;
    n1 = strtol(b1, &e1, 10);
    n2 = strtol(b2, &e2, 10);
    if (b1 == e1 || b2 == e2) return strcmp(s1, s2);
    if (n1 < n2) return -1;
    if (n1 > n2) return 1;
    z1 = strspn(b1, "0"), z2 = strspn(b2, "0");
    if (z1 > z2) return -1;
    if (z1 < z2) return 1;
    return 0;
+3  A: 

This is the simplest way to compare versions, keeping in mind that "1" < "1.0" < "1.0.0":

NSString* requiredVersion = @"1.2.0";
NSString* actualVersion = @"1.1.5";

if ([requiredVersion compare:actualVersion options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedDescending) {
  // actualVersion is lower than the requiredVersion
Nathan de Vries
+1  A: 

Sparkle (a framework for MacOS) has a SUVersionComparator class that does this.
