



Hi everyone!

I'm a self-taught programmer with absolutely nil 3D programming experience.

A client of mine has related to me an idea for an iPhone app that requires OpenGL ES 2.0 for it's inherently complex 3D structure and animations.

Where do I start on this ( albeit long ) journey toward OpenGL ES competence?

I'm willing to put in a tremendous amount of time and effort into learning, and if i could please get some pointers to where I should start and what to expect, that would be awesome!

+1  A: 


I don't know if there are iPhone specific tutorials, but there are piles examples and tons of sample opengl code (in lots of different languages, including objective-c).

It's a great resource for beginning OpenGL programming (and even better if you're looking at animations). has a lot of good resources as well.

+3  A: 

Believe it or not alot of 3D programming is mathematics - get a good grounding in the maths basics first.

+1  A: 

For a great iPhone specific tutorial, see Getting Started with OpenGL ES 2.0
It covers "initialising OpenGL, creating shaders, hooking them up to the program and using them".
Another good article is this one from
Both of these cover enough of the basics to give you a good start on learning.


You can checkout this tutorial for openGLES.

OpenGLES from the Ground UP


You could do much worse than to get a really good book on the subject.

An all-time classic is "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C", by James Foley.

It's pretty comprehensive, and a good way to get into hardcore graphics development. A good reference.

Ben Fowler