



Wondering what code in objective-c should I use to shake the iPhone continuously...

+2  A: 

You may want to use the code from "How do you make the iPhone vibrate for arbitrary durations?":

extern void * _CTServerConnectionCreate( CFAllocatorRef, int (*)(void *, CFStringRef, CFDictionaryRef, void *), int *);
extern int _CTServerConnectionSetVibratorState(int *, void *, int, int, float, float, float);

// Initialize
connection = _CTServerConnectionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, &vibratecallback, &x);

// Start Vibration
_CTServerConnectionSetVibratorState(&x, connection, 3, intensity, 0, 0, 0);

// End Vibration
_CTServerConnectionSetVibratorState(&x, connection, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

I bet this will make it quite difficult for your application to get approved for AppStore! Check out the Unofficial App Store Rejection Criteria.

Daniel Vassallo

Don't do this. Besides the fact it could get you rejected, it's simply bad form.

Ken Wootton