



I ride an off-road motorcycle on the unsurfaced road network of ancient byways in the UK. It's great fun, but I've yet to find a good turn-by-turn application suitable for this purpose. So, I figured I'd write one :)

I have a bluetooth system in my helmet. Is there any way of streaming audio to a paired bluetooth device from an iphone app. I can't see any reference to this in the SDK docs. I don't use the TomTom app, but I guess that must do it?

+1  A: 

Hello James, I think this is what you are looking for. It's very well documented in the Apple Docs.


Here's a topic that could be of help too:


I think it you pair the Bluetooth device, then using it to receive audio shouldn't be hard.

Having said that I modified my answer, because Headphones ( when paired via bluetooth ), should appear as routes in Core Audio ( making it trivial to pass audio to them ). If you want to use anything sophisticated with bluetooth ( more than just passing audio , I think GameKit is your best shot. )

Hope I helped

Note that those are Mac-specific references. IOBluetooth is not part of the public API for the iPhone.
Brad Larson
Modified answer now, hope it helps.