




I'm developing a menu for a game. The menu contains four buttons; Campaign, Training, Highscore and Settings. When I click one of these buttons, a new view controller should be shown. I add the new view controller using this function:

[self.view addSubview:myViewController.view];

It does show the new view controller, but I can still touch the menu buttons from the other view controller that is "behind" the new. I can't see the buttons, but when I touch in the area of a button, the button's IBAction is called.

Of course, I can disable all buttons before adding the subview, but is this the right way to fix it? Should I remove the menu from its subview? I'm using a window-based application and do not have a tab bar or a navigation bar.

Thank you very much!

+1  A: 

You could use a modal view:

[self presentModalViewController:myViewController animated:YES];

I think that would be the right way to do this.

Thank you very much. Works good.

The only problem with what you're doing now is that the touches are getting passed along rather than handled by your new view. I would go one level above the menu, remove the menu and add the new view. If you need the menu back, do the opposite. I tend to use presentModalViewController for short things, like preferences, but for the full game I'd unload the menu. It's your call though.

David Kanarek

You need to remove the old view from the screen when you add the new one. Three ways to do this, from my most preferred to least preferred:

  1. Use a navigation controller and just turn off the navigation bar (by setting self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden to YES).

  2. Use presentModalViewController:animated:, as subw recommends.

  3. Do the following instead of what you're doing currently:

    [self.view.window addSubview:myViewController.view];
    [self.view removeFromSuperview];

There are two main differences between the three approaches.

One is the animation involved. #1 slides the new screen in from the right. #2 slides it up from the bottom (or cross-dissolves or flips, depending on your preference). #3 does not have any animation by default.

The other is how you go back to the menu. In #1, any part of your code (more or less) can call ([self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]. In #2, the child view controller calls [self.parentController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]. #3 has no simple way to go back; you have to do it manually, which involves keeping a reference to the menu view controller in each of the other view controllers.

Brent Royal-Gordon
Thanks. I'll take a look at it.