



I'm making a game for iPhone/iPod. My engine uses OpenGL-ES, and this means game requires some performance. (realtime games, not a static boardgame like games.)

I looked at basic sound framework in iPhone, there're several frameworks,(Core Audio, Audio Toolbox, OpenAL...) but I cannot determine differences of them in detail.

I think OpenAL will gain best performance, but it's just a guess, no foundation. And iPhone/iPod is a music player hardware, I cannot know in-depth features of iPhone/iPod.

I'm new to all of those framework, so I have to study one of them. And now I'm choosing it.

The features required for me is:

  • Delay-less playback. Sound effect should be a realtime feedback.
  • Streamed long music playback with very small memory footprint.
  • Volume control per playback of sound effect.
  • Mixing. Multiple difference sound effect can be played at same time. (around 4 or more)
  • Other feature required for games.
  • Hardware acceleration (if exists)
  • Realtime filtering effect (reverb, echo, 3D, ...) if possible.
  • ...

Can you recommend a framework for my game? And some explanation about each framework also be very appreciated too.

+2  A: 

You can do everything you want with OpenAL. It's what I'd recommend for a game.

Plus, it's the only framework for 3D positional audio which often goes hand-in-hand with a 3D game.

Thanks! I'll do OAL!