



I have two view controllers myViewControllerA and myViewControllerB.

myViewControllerA has modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal.

Then I call presentModalViewController:animated: to load myViewControllerB. After calling dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:, suddenly all the views of myViewControllerA display shifted up by the height of the status bar.When I repeat the process, the views of myViewControllerA display properly once more.

So, the problems appears only upon the first call of the modal view controller. After dismissing and calling it again everything looks fine again.

What can cause this?


I'm having the EXACT same problem!

I noticed you mentioned about dismissing it and then it re-appearing fine the second time you add it so i tried that.

Same results, the second time it's not shifted at all - only the first time

I have not found a solution yet, but i wanted to share that maybe it seems its a legitimate bug and not something in your code
