



Hi there;

Does anyone know if you can programmatically open a .webarchive on the iPhone? A .webarchive is Safari's way of packaging up a webpage and it's associated resources into a single file.

I tried creating one and browsing to a link to one in mobile safari, but it didn't work....

Note: I was kind of hoping this could be done without a 3rd party app, as it'd be a nice way to package up a WebApp for use on the iphone without needing a third party tool.


AirSharing on the iPhone will open webarchive files, but I've no idea if they are doing it all themselves or using native webarchive support.


J Francis
Note: I'm kind of hoping that it can be done without a third party app, as it'd be a nice way to package up HTML+Javascript for a WebApp
Brad Parks
+2  A: 

a .webarchive is just a plist; theoretically, you could read it using NSPropertyListSerialization and then build a local file structure on the phone, then pump that into a UIWebView. Or use AirSharing.

Ben Gottlieb