i have made a xml file using python. how can i retrieve an element from it? will u help me with the code?
Also i need to have my output(i.e. element of each attribute come in seperate lines in that particular xml file)
i have made a xml file using python. how can i retrieve an element from it? will u help me with the code?
Also i need to have my output(i.e. element of each attribute come in seperate lines in that particular xml file)
Python comes with 2 modules for xml processing mindom which is a DOM implemetation and the more 'pythonic' Element Tree which has other information and links to examples etc I use a third party library lxml which is in effect a super set of Element Tree
There is also the excellent lxml library. You can query the tree with xpath or if you are familiar with css you can select elements with cssselect.
In [1]: from lxml import etree
In [2]: from StringIO import StringIO
In [3]: f = StringIO('<foo><bar id="1">hello</bar><bar id="2">world</bar></foo>')
In [4]: tree = etree.parse(f)
In [5]: r = tree.xpath('/foo/bar')
In [6]: print len(r)
In [7]: for elem in r:
....: print elem.get('id'), elem.text
1 hello
2 world