



Hi friends,

I have integrated twitter in my app. but I am not able to log out the session of the user. For logging I am using
and passing the username and pswd in the url. Inside body i pass the string that needs to be updated and its working fine.

Now For log out they have an request called
and it is been said we need to use post request. But I am not able to get what we have to pass in body and header so that twitter should know which user has requested for log out.

Below is the link of documnetation but I didnt suceed in this.

Waiting for reply

Thanks in advance

+2  A: 

When you are posting to statuses/update.xml using the method you described, you are not logging in, you are simply updating the user’s status and passing the user name and password with the request. As you are not logging in, there is no session and no need to log out. This is good, because it’s easy, and it’s bad, because it’s insecure – you’re passing the password openly. Read the documentation about authentication. The authentication method you’re using right now is called “Basic Auth” there.

You can look at how you post looks in the HTTP request:

$ nc -l 1234
$ curl -d "Status update" http://user:passwd@localhost:1234

The output from netcat looks like this:

Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd2Q=
Host: localhost:1234
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 13
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Status update

The Authorization line is the “Basic Auth” as described by the Twitter API docs and Wikipedia.

The below text $ nc -l 1234 $ curl -d "Status update" http://user:passwd@localhost:1234 should be passes in the body ?
Sorry, that apparently did more harm than good. That code does not belong into the body – it’s just a bunch of Unix commands to see what’s going on when you post to the `statuses/update.xml` URL.

But once I post my request in twitter. Now If I change the password and send the request again it should shows me authentication failed but instead it allows me to post the request with wrong password. That means it is storing the session somewhere and not checking the password the second time.

But If the username is changed it works properly.

You should use the comment-section and not the answers section for such clarification/s.
This should be a comment, not an answer. There could be a grace period before the password change gets propagated to the server that handles the API access. I’m not sure about this, I don’t know Twitter, but it sounds a bit more probable than some “implicit session” created by the code you posted.