




Hi all,

I have to access mac or windows pc from my iPhone. Can any one tell which frameworks or which concepts i have to use to get this.

Thank you


VNC... Mocha VNC will work straight off with your mac, and if you download UltraVNC server for your Windows PC that will work too.

Not really programming related...


logmein ignition is available from the app store if you already use logmein. It works, though it's a little clumsy due to no real mouse being available.

+1  A: 

Because you use the word "framework" I am assuming this actually is a programming question, so I won't vote to close.

If you want to send data to and from a PC or Mac, you do it via a Wi-Fi network. You (probably, depending on what you want to do exactly) need to create a desktop app running that implements Bonjour, then it can talk to the the iPhone.

Take a look at the Net Services Programming Guide on how to do this.

Yes this programming question. Actually in my project i want to remotely access my MAC in iPhone. For this what i have to use, i am not much experienced iPhone Developer so please help me.

I've never used bonjour for inner-network communication between applications (that's probably the preferred way on the Apple platform, as mentioned above by @bpapa), but you can use Sockets and Streams to communicate and transfer data between applications on the same network. Here's the link for the apple reference guide:

Mac Dev Center: Stream Programming Guide for Cocoa

EDIT: Sorry, the above implies that sockets only work on the same network - this is not true. To be specific, inner-network is the easiest type of communication because some things (like UDP packets) are dropped at internet borders (routers, switches, etc). With inter-network communication, you also have to worry about having access to the appropriate ports on both networks as well.
