I already asked this question and Kenny gave me a good answer (many thanks to him), but I still in confusion about the final realization. So, the question is - how to get access to the matrix of the certain pixel in the image.
I translated Kenny's sample to the Objective-C:
- (NSArray *) compute_transform_matrix:(float)X
y4a:(float)y4a {
float y21 = y2a - y1a, y32 = y3a - y2a, y43 = y4a - y3a, y14 = y1a - y4a, y31 = y3a - y1a, y42 = y4a - y2a;
float a = -H*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x2a*x4a*y31 - x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x3a*y42);
float b = W*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x3a*x4a*y21 + x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x2a*y43);
float c = H*X*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x2a*x4a*y31 - x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x3a*y42) - H*W*x1a*(x4a*y32 - x3a*y42 + x2a*y43) - W*Y*(x2a*x3a*y14 + x3a*x4a*y21 + x1a*x4a*y32 + x1a*x2a*y43);
float d = H*(-x4a*y21*y3a + x2a*y1a*y43 - x1a*y2a*y43 - x3a*y1a*y4a + x3a*y2a*y4a);
float e = W*(x4a*y2a*y31 - x3a*y1a*y42 - x2a*y31*y4a + x1a*y3a*y42);
float f = -(W*(x4a*(Y*y2a*y31 + H*y1a*y32) - x3a*(H + Y)*y1a*y42 + H*x2a*y1a*y43 + x2a*Y*(y1a - y3a)*y4a + x1a*Y*y3a*(-y2a + y4a)) - H*X*(x4a*y21*y3a - x2a*y1a*y43 + x3a*(y1a - y2a)*y4a + x1a*y2a*(-y3a + y4a)));
float g = H*(x3a*y21 - x4a*y21 + (-x1a + x2a)*y43);
float h = W*(-x2a*y31 + x4a*y31 + (x1a - x3a)*y42);
float i = W*Y*(x2a*y31 - x4a*y31 - x1a*y42 + x3a*y42) + H*(X*(-(x3a*y21) + x4a*y21 + x1a*y43 - x2a*y43) + W*(-(x3a*y2a) + x4a*y2a + x2a*y3a - x4a*y3a - x2a*y4a + x3a*y4a));
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:a],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:b],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:c],nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:d],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:e],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:f],nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:1],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0],nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithFloat:g],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:h],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0],[NSNumber numberWithFloat:i],nil],
And, at the very beginning I create the image bitmap - "imageBitmap":
- (void) createImageBitmap{
NSString *imagePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Demo.png" ofType:nil];
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:imagePath];
CGImageRef image = CGImageRetain(img.CGImage);
NSUInteger width = CGImageGetWidth(image);
NSUInteger height = CGImageGetHeight(image);
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
unsigned char *rawData = malloc(height * width * 4);
NSUInteger bytesPerPixel = 4;
NSUInteger bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * width;
NSUInteger bitsPerComponent = 8;
CGContextRef imageBitmap = CGBitmapContextCreate(rawData, width, height, bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big);
CGContextDrawImage(imageBitmap, CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height), image);
Then, I suppose, I need to do following:
for(int x=0;x<width;x++){
for(int y=0;x<height;y++){
NSArray* matrixForPoint = [self compute_transform_matrix:x Y:y W:width H:height x1a:0 y1a:0 x2a:width y2a:0 x3a:width y3a:height x4a:0 y4a:height];
// set Matrix for x, y point to "imageBitmap" bitmap, but HOW?????????
So, how to set Matrix for x, y point to "imageBitmap" bitmap?
Many thanks in advance