I am having the below code.
import xml.dom.minidom
def get_a_document(name):
return xml.dom.minidom.parse(name)
doc = get_a_document("sources.xml")
sources = doc.childNodes[1]
for e in sources.childNodes:
if e.nodeType == e.ELEMENT_NODE and e.localName == "source":
for source in e.childNodes:
print source.localName
print source.nodeType
if source.nodeType == source.ELEMENT_NAME and source.localName == "language":
print source.localName
country = doc.createElement("country")
I am trying to read the sources.xml and add an element country. But, I am getting the below error.
AttributeError: Text instance has no attribute 'ELEMENT_NAME'
Sources.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--sources.xml for multilingual, follows an ID range for different type of sources. Dailies sources are merged to this list-->
<sources xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
Can someone also suggest a good tutorial for minidom library. Also, if you could suggest a better python xml library, it will be great.
Thanks Bala