Would you please help me in wriritng simple student information system using XML?? After that I will using Native XML Database like exiSt in building that system ...
1-student information: name address picture birthdae
2-course information: different course like (MCSE , CISCO,MSCD ...)
3-Identical teaching rooms(3 to 5 rooms)
4 - training courses have the same period:
a. Four seasons in each year, 3 months.
b. In each season there are 13 a week.
c. In each season a week there are 3 lots weekly.
d.A class Extends of 3 hours.
e. There are 3 training period per day.
5 - Must the system allows the student to the registration course and is attributable to a class ... Etc..
6 - It is preferable to be building the system so that the browser is the client user.
2010-03-10 20:33:18
@fam: please edit your question to update this information. Do not add a new answer to clarify your question. Also, you'll want to explore your formatting options (see the "how to format" box that appears when you're entering text).
John Saunders
2010-03-10 20:43:49
@fam: also, I asked you about your implementation. You replied with your requirements. Please provide information on your implementation.
John Saunders
2010-03-10 20:44:52
thanx John ...I edited my question .I know that i wrote the requirements not implementation, but I want you to help me - such give me link to any useful website you know-,which contain some similar example that may helped me in writing by myself my project ...
2010-03-10 21:05:35
no reply :( ....
2010-03-12 13:58:02