



As per the title. Calling [[UIDevice currentDevice] BeginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications] has no effect.

DidRotateToInterfaceOrientation etc events are working fine, but I need to be able to poll the device orientation arbitrarily.

How can I fix/do this?

The long story: I have a tab application with a navigation controller on each tab. The root view of tab number one is a graph that goes full screen when the orientation changes to landscape; however this needs to be checked whenever the view appears as the orientation change could have occurred elsewhere, so I was hoping to poll the orientation state whenever this view appears.


Wouldn't [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation] give you the current orientation state? You could check for this in your viewWillAppear method of the view controller that wants to poll.

Edit: Other than that, there are various ways to get the current orientation, such as using the statusBarOrientation property in UIApplication, or interfaceOrientation property in UIViewcontroller.

David Liu
Looks like you didn't read the question. He's saying that method is returning NULL even though he's calling beginGeneratingOrientationNotifications.
+1  A: 

seems like a silly question, but isn't it


( lower case b ) ...


UIDevice's notion of orientation seems to be only available on actual devices. The simulator seems to always return 0 here, regardless of whether the notifications have been enabled as the docs suggest. Irritatingly inconvenient, but there you go.

I find this works fine on the actual device:

    [[UIDevice currentDevice] beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications];
    NSLog(@"orientation: %d", [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]);
    [[UIDevice currentDevice] endGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications];