



Hi All,

Please bear with me, newbie just learning the ropes.

I am getting the below message, when I try and run my app, it quiets, but then does let me re-open fine after the first quit.

I tried a few things and if I turn on if i 'activate breakpoints' it all works fine... Tried a few suggestions, 'deleting build folder', 'restarting xCode' nothing seems to work...

dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit Referenced from: /Volumes/MyBook/Apps/CToolBox/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Reason: image not found

The Debugger has exited due to signal 5 (SIGTRAP).The Debugger has exited due to signal 5 (SIGTRAP).

Thanks in advance.


It looks like its trying to find the UIKit Framework in the wrong location. It shouldn't be looking in system frameworks but in a path like this:


Get info on the UIKit framework within Xcode and see where it thinks the path to is at. If you installed in a non-standard location that might be your problem. You could also remove and readd the framework to try and change its path.

You should also check the configuration popup to make sure you're not trying to build for Cocoa.

Thanks for the reply, but nope tried everything an no-joy.
Where does the framework report it resides?
I did change the 'Set working directory to: Build Products directory' is this might have an impact.

I have the same problem. First occured after I've upgraded iOS from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2.


Try this

Just delete your personal settings files for the project.Right click on .xcodeproj file and select show package contents .They will be username.mode1v3 and username.pbxuser. I didn’t figure out which file was the cause, but deleting them sorted it out.

Rahul Vyas