




Hi All,

I am trying to find examples of how to change an existing xml files Element Value.

Using the following xml example:

  <title>My Book</title>
  <author>John Smith</author>

If I wanted to replace the author element value 'John Smith' with 'Jim Johnson' in a Python script using DOM, how would I go about doing so? I've tried to look for examples on this, but have failed in doing so. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Rylic

+2  A: 


s = '''
  <title>My Book</title>
  <author>John Smith</author>

DOM would look like:

from xml.dom import minidom

dom = minidom.parseString(s) # or parse(filename_or_file)
for author in dom.getElementsByTagName('author'):
    author.childNodes = [dom.createTextNode("Jane Smith")]

But I'd encourage you to look into ElementTree, it makes working with XML a breeze:

from xml.etree import ElementTree

et = ElementTree.fromstring(s) # or parse(filename_or_file)
for author in et.findall('author'):
    author.text = "Jane Smith"
IThanks for your help. I used ElementTree as you suggested, and it works fine. I am able to write to the xml file with the change that was needed. I did notice that when the file is written to, a lock is put on the file. I am presuming that the file is still open for writting. Is there a close method to unlock the file after writting to it with ElementTree?
@rylic38 How are you handling writing the file? Can you paste a code sample up on http://pastie.org/?
pastie.org is unfortunetly not accessable at work. I'll try to add it here:import osimport xmlfrom xml.etree import ElementTree as etpath = "C:\\temp\\books.xml"tree = et.parse(path)for author in tree.findall('author'): author.text = "Jane Doe" tree.write(path)When I run this line by line at the command line, the xml file is written to, but is locked. If I exit python, the file is released, and I can then see the change.
The format came out unreadable, I seperated each line with "***". I hope that makes it more readable.import os ***import xml ***from xml.etree import ElementTree as et***path = "C:\\temp\\books.xml"***tree = et.parse(path)***for author in tree.findall('author'): *** author.text = "Jane Doe" *** tree.write(path) ***