





I would like to know if we have an avahi api for iphone side? Alternatively, can we implement avahi protocol in iphone?

The avahi API provides:

avahi-core: an API for embedding a complete mDNS/DNS-SD stack into your software. This is intended for developers of embedded appliances only. We dissuade from using this API in normal desktop applications since it is not a good idea to run multiple mDNS stacks simultaneously on the same host.

D-Bus API: an extensive D-Bus interface for browsing and registering mDNS/DNS-SD services using avahi-daemon. We recommend using this API for software written in any language other than C (e.g. Python).

avahi-client: a simplifying C wrapper around the D-Bus API. We recommend using this API in C or C++ progams. The D-Bus internals are hidden completely.

avahi-gobject: an object-oriented C wrapper based on GLib's GObject. We recommd using this API for GNOME/Gtk programs.


In principle, any POSIX compatible library can be included on the iPhone. However, you might not be able to get it past the app store screening.

A better question would be: why bother? What does avahi offer you that the iPhone API DNS handling does not?

If you tell us what you're trying to accomplish we could better advise you.

+1  A: 

Avahi and Bonjour are basically the same thing, both implementing mDNS.

Check these two documents:

The first introduces the iPhone equivalent of Avahi and the second one builds on top of that and also provides a way to talk to clients that you find.


this is sneha..again.. I thought bonjour is private so i want to use avahi for my app..so i downloaded a avahi-0.6.25 source code from avahi.org which is implemented in c..i would like to use this to implement for iphone..I would like to know can i get gud results if i forward in this direction..


Thanks for Information.
