I would like to know if we have an avahi api for iphone side? Alternatively, can we implement avahi protocol in iphone?
The avahi API provides:
avahi-core: an API for embedding a complete mDNS/DNS-SD stack into your software. This is intended for developers of embedded appliances only. We dissuade from using this API in normal desktop applications since it is not a good idea to run multiple mDNS stacks simultaneously on the same host.
D-Bus API: an extensive D-Bus interface for browsing and registering mDNS/DNS-SD services using avahi-daemon. We recommend using this API for software written in any language other than C (e.g. Python).
avahi-client: a simplifying C wrapper around the D-Bus API. We recommend using this API in C or C++ progams. The D-Bus internals are hidden completely.
avahi-gobject: an object-oriented C wrapper based on GLib's GObject. We recommd using this API for GNOME/Gtk programs.