Could someone tell me how I can capture a NSParseErrorException?
The Situation: my app downloads a small .plist file. I convert this into dictionary using the string method -propertylist. This normally works fine. I check for a connection before going to retrieve the file, so it works fine if I've got a connection to the internet, and works fine when I don't.
However, I discovered a use case that crashes. If I'm at location that requires authetication before connecting to the internet (at Starbucks, say) what's being returned by the app isn't a plist and the attempt to parse it causes the application to crash.
So is there a way to transform my code so that the NSParseErrorException is caught and rather than crashing the program I can just skip over this piece of code?
NSDictionary *temp = [myDownloadString propertyList];
I tried doing this
if ([myDownloadString propertyList]==NSParseErrorException){
//do something
but that didn't work.