Hey folks,
I am stuck with something quite simple but really annoying: I have an xml file with one node, where the content includes line breaks and whitspaces. Sadly I can't change the xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
ACME Ltd. Fooproduct Foo Root :: Bar Category
I get to the node and can read from it without trouble:
url = "http://feeds.somefeed/feed.xml.gz"
@source = open((url), :http_basic_authentication=>["USER", "PW"])
@gz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(@source)
@result = @gz.read
@doc = Nokogiri::XML(@result)
@doc.xpath("/ProductFeed/Vendors/Vendor").each do |manuf|
vendor = manuf.css("Name").first.text
manuf.xpath("//child::Product").each do |product|
product_name = product.css("Name").text
foocat = product.css("Category").text
puts "#{vendor} ---- #{product_name} ---- #{foocat} "
This results in:
ACME Ltd. ---- Fooproduct ----
Foo Root :: Bar Category
Obviously there are line breaks and tab stops or spaces in the string returned by product.css("Category").text.
Does anyone know how to strip the result from linebreaks and taps or spaces right here?
Alternatively I could do that in the next step, where I do a find on 'foocat' like
barcat = Category.find_by_foocat(foocat)
Thanks for helping!